From HUGS to High-Tech: Apple’s Dual Breakthroughs in AI and Avatar Creation

Apple’s Vision for Smarter Tech and AI Advancements

Our everyday smart devices are about to get even smarter, thanks to Apple’s latest innovations. Beyond the current capabilities of voice commands, health tracking, and translation features, imagine engaging in in-depth conversations, accessing global health databases in real-time, and enjoying seamless multilingual interactions. Apple, known for its commitment to advancing technology, is addressing a significant hurdle in AI integration on portable devices – memory constraints.


The Memory Challenge

The Achilles’ heel of AI on portable devices has been the limitation of memory. As large language models demand substantial storage—potentially reaching hundreds of billions of parameters—conventional smartphones like the iPhone 15, with its modest 8GB of memory, fall short. However, Apple’s researchers have recently unveiled a groundbreaking solution, detailed in a paper titled “LLM in a flash: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with Limited Memory,” uploaded to arXiv on Dec. 12.

Innovative Method

Apple’s system revolves around the effective transfer of data between flash memory and DRAM, allowing smart bias to accommodate robust AI systems. The advance enables AI programs twice the size of a device’s DRAM capacity, boasting a 500 speed increase for CPU operations and up to 25 times faster GPU processes.

  Crucial ways 

Windowing Reducing data exchange between flash memory and RAM by reusing recent computation results, minimizing IO requests, and saving energy and time.

Row Column speeding Enhancing effectiveness by recycling larger gobbets of data at a time from flash memory.

According to the experimenters, these ways inclusively lead to a substantial reduction in data cargo and a significant boost in memory operation effectiveness. This advancement is particularly pivotal for planting advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) in resource- limited surroundings, widening their range of  operations.

AI Beyond Memory

In a parallel development, Apple introduced a program named “HUGS,” capable of creating animated avatars from a few seconds of video captured from a single lens. Unlike existing avatar creation programs requiring multiple camera views, HUGS can generate realistic dancing avatars in as little as 30 minutes, a significant leap from the current two-day timeframe.


Apple’s commitment to pushing technological boundaries is apparent in its recent improvements, addressing the memory challenge associated with AI on movable   bias. With advancements in AI capabilities and the creation of animated incorporations, Apple is poised to review the  geography of smart device  relations, making our  diurnal  gests  more intuitive and engaging than ever  ahead.


Unveiling the Next Wave of AI Models: A Sneak Peek into 2024’s Tech Frontier

Lissa is a News Writer at USA Viewport . She has 2 year professional writing experience.