Jimmy Carter, who served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981, is known for his pursuit of peaceful solutions. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for advancing democracy and human rights and promoting social and economic development.

Jimmy Carter aspired to have a capable and compassionate government that was accountable to the American people and to their expectations. His accomplishments were remarkable but it was not possible for the administration to meet these high expectations due to rising inflationary energy costs and continuing tensions. rarely used his full name James Joe Carter Jr. Carter was born on October 1, 1924 in Annapolis, Georgia.

The cornerstones of Carter’s upbringing were political interests, peanut farming, and a devotion to the Baptist faith. In 1946, Carter graduated from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Carter is married to Rosalyn Smith. They have three sons, John William James and Donald Jeffrey. They also have a daughter, Emeline. After serving as a Navy officer for 7 years, Carter returned to the political arena. He entered state politics in 1962. After 8 years, Carter was elected Governor of Georgia.

Carter was the new youth among southern governors. He focused on efficiency in government and eliminating racial discrimination.

In December 1974, Carter announced his candidacy for president and simultaneously began a 2-year campaign that gradually gained momentum until his first-ballot nomination at the Democratic convention. At that time, the US President was Gerald Ford, against whom Carter had started a tax campaign and had also debated with him thrice. Carter won this presidential election by 297 electoral votes.

Carter worked hardest to tackle economic problems such as inflation and unemployment. He could have managed an increase of approximately 8 million jobs and a reduction in the budget deficit measured as a percentage of gross national product. Unfortunately, inflation and interest rates reached record levels. At the height of his efforts to work, he suffered a minor meltdown.



Lissa is a News Writer at USA Viewport . She has 2 year professional writing experience.