In the intriguing world of Netflix’s latest series, Griselda, Sofia Vergara takes an unexpected turn, stepping into the role of Griselda Blanco, the notorious cocaine queenpin. Departing from her usual lighthearted performances, Vergara attempts to breathe life into a character whose real-life story is as fascinating as it is dark. However, Griselda, despite its promising premise, falls victim to formulaic storytelling, reducing Blanco’s complex narrative to a predictable rise-and-fall drama that echoes Scarface with a girlboss makeover.
Griselda Blanco’s Reign and Departure from Modern Family Charm
Griselda Blanco, a name synonymous with the cocaine trade’s dark underbelly, is the central figure in this fast-paced but formulaic drama. Sofia Vergara, known for her role in Modern Family, takes on the challenge of portraying a woman who briefly conquers the ultimate male-dominated field. Despite Vergara’s commendable efforts, Griselda’s character struggles to escape the shadow of the typical gangster narrative.
Background and Setting: From Colombia to Miami’s Underworld
The series opens in Griselda’s home country, Colombia, capturing the most desperate moment of her criminal career spanning from the mid-’60s to her arrest in 1985. With a decade of drug trafficking alongside her husband Alberto, Griselda is compelled to flee Medellin with her three sons. The move is triggered by a humiliating scheme, forcing her to seek refuge in disco-era Miami, promising her host Carmen a commitment to a straight life.
However, the kilo of cocaine smuggled into the U.S. becomes a harbinger of Griselda’s inevitable entanglement with Miami’s criminal underworld. Despite facing gender-based challenges and physical attacks, she grows more determined to not only dominate the city’s cocaine trade but also to avenge the mistreatment she endured.
Law Enforcement’s Pursuit and Character Development Issues
From the moment a waitress describes the boss-like woman in the restaurant, the narrative introduces June Hawkins, a razor-sharp Miami PD intelligence analyst. June, a mother and a hyper-competent woman marginalized by her macho colleagues, mirrors Griselda, playing cat to her mouse. However, the approach falls short as the series neglects character development, leaving key figures like Griselda’s sons and lovers broadly sketched.
Feminist Subtext and Griselda’s Opacity
The series exhaustingly emphasizes the feminist subtext, repeatedly reminding viewers of Griselda’s plight as a woman in a male-dominated world. Griselda’s struggles are palpable, but the lack of character depth hampers the audience’s understanding of her often-baffling decisions. The docudrama misses the opportunity to present a specific and compelling portrait of Blanco’s magnitude.
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Predictability in the Plot and Technical Brilliance
Griselda’s narrative trajectory becomes disappointingly predictable, resembling familiar gangster entertainment seen on both big and small screens. Yet, the series gleams from a technical standpoint, with naturalistic performances, efficient editing, and costumes vividly capturing Miami in the late ’70s and early ’80s.
The Fate of Griselda and Conclusion
As Griselda hurtles towards its denouement, the series risks becoming another fleeting Netflix hit, binged in a weekend and forgotten shortly after release. Despite its technical brilliance, Griselda struggles to offer anything new or groundbreaking, overshadowed by the echoes of its genre predecessors.
Griselda’s Reflection on Carnage
“I don’t even know why I did all of this,” Griselda laments late in the series, questioning the purpose behind the carnage. Viewers, too, may find themselves pondering why they stuck around to witness a true story that turned into typical gangster pulp.